Monday, October 4, 2010

Where Do You Get Your Protein?

By far the most often asked question that I've been asked when I tell people what I eat is..."Where do you get your protein?" My answer? "I get my protein from the same place your burger does...from plants. I just prefer to leave out the middle man (middle cow?) and go straight to the source." That usually prompts a discussion complete with incredulous looks and every once in awhile, to my delight an occasional "AHA!" moment.

Just for fun, I logged my whole day's food consumption, all raw (big surprise) into a website that measures the nutritional value of food. I got almost 34 grams of protein from only fruits and vegetables and that was with no nuts, no seeds. According to my last class on Plant-Based Nutrition and Dr. Campbell of The China study, we only need 5-7% of our daily calories from protein (for adults). Since protein is used by the body for growth and repair and we're not growing physically as adults, we only need enough to replace the protein in our body that has "worn out". That 34 grams was 7% of my caloric intake for the day!

Not only do we not need the amount of protein that the infamous food pyramid recommends, eating too much animal protein has been proven to be harmful. Higher levels of animal protein consumption have been directly linked to a higher incidence of "Western Diseases" such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and autoimmune disorders, while eating more complex carbohydrates has been shown to not only prevent but reverse these diseases.

It was my father's suffering with heart disease and diabetes that prompted me to make the drastic lifestyle change I did over 4 years ago from the Standard American Diet (SAD) to a 100% raw vegan lifestyle. I did that for over a year. Now, I average between 80-100% raw vegan. I remember proudly telling my family and friends about all of the healthy changes I was making. I also remember more than one person saying that we're all gonna die of something, so we may as well enjoy the food we eat, as if fruits and veggies aren't delicious. My dentist even joked that I was probably going to go through all that "trouble" and then get run over by a truck! He was the only one laughing.

My point is this, I eat the way I do first and foremost, to improve the quality of my life TODAY. Although I'm certain that it will extend my life too (provided I look before crossing the street), I'll be damned if I'm going to spend 12 hours a week on dialysis, have a triple bypass and end up in a wheelchair after complications from heart medicine (whew!) like my dad did before he died. The sad thing is it wasn't just him who suffered; it was also those of us who loved him.

So, as I sit here popping sweet juicy grapes in my mouth, I'm pretty sure that my father knows what an inspiration he was to me, even if it was by showing me what not to do. It is my passion however, to inspire my children and people everywhere to enjoy more organic, living foods not by suffering, but by thriving.

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