Saturday, September 25, 2010

On Your Mark, Get Set...Stop?

Where do we begin our journey of health? And indeed it is a lifelong adventure. When we think of our health in terms of a destination, that perfect ideal that we strive to reach, it can be quite counterproductive, creating stress when life kicks us in the ass. As it so often does! So, thinking of it as an occasionally detouring path asking us to modify our route in response to the inner and outer changes, prepares us for a more peaceful journey. That, in and of itself keeps us more balanced and therefore more healthy. And since you are reading this you have already begun.

There is no one way that is right for everyone. Some may have minor health annoyances from a gradual decline in their physical, mental or even spiritual health. Others may be frantically searching for answers in response to a definitive diagnosis. Whether you are committed to major life changes or interested in small modifications, this blog was designed with you in mind. Take and use what resonates within you and store the rest away (you may need it later). So then where do I begin? It's like the ago old riddle, which came first the chicken or the egg? 

Let's start by looking at your eating lifestyle. I know, I know, I can hear the moans across the Internet! And all I did was suggest taking a look at it, not changing it (yet). Your first step, even if you think you are already eating healthy is to be aware of how you nourish yourself. Most of us pretty much function on autopilot via the habits we've developed. I'm saying turn off the autopilot and take control of your health by simply paying attention to where you are right now. That's it! For the next few days just be aware of what you eat, when you eat, with whom, where and what's going on while you're eating. Don't try to change anything just notice what is. Then we'll look at what you can add to your meals (that's right add not subtract) to add to your health.

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